Tuesday 21 August 2012

Nesting is this really happening to me!!

At 37 weeks pregnant I have finished work to take my fortnights holiday before my maternity leave starts. As you can imagine I am sadly not jetting off to Marbs, but I did think I would be lunching, shopping and just generally relaxing, however a strange force has taken over me the desire to clean frantically!!! I like a clean house but in the past this has never involved sorting cupboards and scrubbing floors!! All very alien. I also have developed a steam cleaner obsession can anyone recommend a good one??

I decided to look up this strange desire on many of the birth websites I have joined, and thankfully it is all normal (I breathe a huge sigh of relief). Nesting is common in animals and is considered to be a primal instinct to prepare for birth, though not all pregnant women feel it. Nesting can start any time in pregnancy, although it is common from around the 5th month. It’s often experienced in the last weeks when it is thought to be sign that you’ll be going into labour soon.

Nesting can be found in many forms you may want to wash the floors, sort out your cupboards, or buy vests for your baby, or you might feel compelled to knit baby clothes, pack and repack your hospital bag, or simply be at home.

Some women experience nesting subtly and may simply want to arrange their baby’s clothes in a drawer, while others, such as Bounty mum, may be overwhelmed by the desire for housework:
‘Since I woke at 7, I’ve been non-stop: I’ve scrubbed every tile in the bathroom, skirting boards, door frames, in fact anything that has stood still has been scrubbed and I still feel like I could go on for hours, but just ran out of jobs. I’m sure come 5 this evening I’m gonna be shattered and moaning about backache.’ http://www.bounty.com/pregnancy/health/the-nesting-instinct

However in our household my boyfriend also seems to have come out in sympathy, every door in the house has been painted, wardrobes built, ceilings painted and cars washed every weekend without fail. Sadly I don't think this will last when the baby arrives!! Anyone know a good cleaning company........????

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