Wednesday 29 August 2012

What's in a name??

Apon finding out I was pregnant I believed one of the most fun and easy things I would need to do is decide on a name. All these years that I had waited to be fortunate and fall pregnant, I had an abundance of names in my head and thought I would be spoilt for choice - how wrong could I be!!

As I started writing down my initial list I seemed to be crossing out more names than were left, due to friends' children, celebrities pinching my names and a mum and friends in the teaching profession where names have left good and bad tastes in their mouths. So it was back to the drawing board!!

I decided to stock up on name books and name apps and as I read through the introductions I realised it was not just the name I needed to worry about but the initials, whether we choose a middle name, will their friends abbreviate it or come up with a nickname? and also the background to a name; "Consider the difference it will make to a little girl to be told she is called Charlotte, not only because it means womanly, but also because it has encouraged others like Charlotte Bronte and Queen Charlotte to be strong and persevering." (taken from Babies' Names - Flame Tree Publishing).

Armed now with all this knowledge and information at my finger tips my search began again it is still not easy but between us my boyfriend and I have a short list for both boy and girl names and for my close friends who are reading this do not worry 'Tiger Lily Peaches Cream' did not make the cut, much to my dismay.

One thing we will keep in mind when we make our final choice is a babies name it is a life long gift and one of the greatest gifts we can give to the next generation.

PS. My baby is now the size of a pumkin!!

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