Thursday 6 September 2012

Due Date is it just a nice to have??

As I sit here and write my latest blog post I am contemplating whether my due date is just a nice to have date midwifes give you to work towards, when really any time from 38 weeks to 42 weeks could actually be your due date, a 4 week window!!! I am just 3 days away from that allusive date and not a Braxton hick in sight!!?? But surely my tummy cannot expand any further I am on my 6th bottle of Elemis Japanese Camilla oil! My hospital bag is packed and I have nothing left to nest!!

During a moment of insomnia last night I decided to refresh my memory on those natural (old wife's tales) ways to bring on labour, there are a few which I need to discount immediately; Acupuncture - my mum has still lost the feeling in her hand after accompanying me to Anti D vaccination; Castor oil- There are reports of Castor oil being used to bring on labour as far back as the Ancient Egyptians, though we don't know exactly how it works. The most commonly given explanation is that it acts as a powerful laxative. So when it stimulates your tummy it also stimulates the uterus (womb) and so kick starts labour. However this just makes me feel nauseous just thinking about it.

There are several though that I needed to investigate further;
Raspberry leaf tea/tablets - On the advice of some of my friends I have already started drinking the tea and have now replaced these with the tablets. Raspberry Leaf will work best if you start taking it when you're about 32 weeks pregnant, not before. That's because raspberry leaf can have a stimulating effect on your uterus (womb). If you start taking raspberry leaf at 32 weeks, it'll have plenty of time to build up in your system.
Eating Curry - Spicy food is often suggested as a means of bringing on labour, and many women swear by it. It's thought that curry can stimulate your tummy and therefore also stimulate your uterus (womb), and kick-start labour. There is no evidence that this works however my gorgeous mum is going to cook the Ryder curry special tonight just in case!!
Pineapple - Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain which is thought to help soften your cervix and bring on labour. Eating large amounts will probably stimulate your tummy, which could also stimulate your uterus (Tiran 2009). However on further research I found out I would need to eat 7 whole fresh pineapples so I have decided to give this a miss, a little extreme I thought.
Walking - Being upright encourages your baby to move down onto your cervix. Then as you walk, the rhythmic pressure of your baby's head on your cervix stimulates the release of oxytocin. Oxytocin is a hormone which helps to trigger and regulate your contractions. In the next few days you will mostly find me walking around my local neighbourhood.
Sex - Don't worry my pregnant readers I dont think they mean act out the pages of 50 Shades of Grey!! However there are three ways in which having sex could help you go into labour: Having an orgasm may help to stimulate your uterus (womb) into action. Having sex can trigger the release of oxytocin, a hormone that controls your contractions. Semen may help to ripen, or soften, the neck of your uterus (cervix) ready for it to dilate when labour starts. Semen contains a high number of prostaglandins, which are chemical mediators that can help to relax tissues.I have been thinking however due to size and shape at this stage of my pregnancy sex will be the easiest task, alternatively it is recommended that giving your partner oral sex may work better. It is thought that prostaglandins are absorbed more efficiently through the gut than through the vagina. (A man definitely did this research and I will be keeping this information to myself)!!
I also found a selection of other methods, which are rather bizarre that other mums are said to have found helpful. There is no evidence for any of these and I am very unconvinced but like a fool I am sure you will find me trying them out over the next few days:-
  • Blowing up balloons: the theory is that the build up of abdominal pressure encourages labour to start.
  • Bouncing on your birth ball or driving your car down a bumpy road would seem to put the same faith in shaking things up a little.
  • Get a weepy video and have a good cry.
  • Wear your best knickers (sod's law will ensure that your waters break in them)- Boux Avenue here I come!!

However I know that my baby will come when it is ready but I hope he/she knows mum and dad cant wait to meet you xxx

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