Tuesday 21 August 2012

Pregnancy and Weddings

I don't think I have met any mum or mum to be that during the course of her pregnancy doesn't get a wedding invite. And instead of what usually follows after such an invite, excitement about the day and the numerous shopping trips to find the perfect dress; along with the excitement of seeing a good friend get married mild panic sets in of what you are going to wear and how big will you be by the day!!!

My usual stopping ground for wedding attire was out of the question, Karen Millen and Coast where would I turn??

I turned initially to my new lust brands Isabella Oliver and Tiffany Rose however with the average occasion dress costing upwards of £150, I had to be realistic as my boyfriend has yet to make his first million and it was just the one wedding I had been invited to!!

So it was back to the drawing board, I trawled the Internet but nothing seemed right so it was time to go back to the wardrobe for what at the time would have had to be divine intervention however it worked!! As I pulled out numerous maxi dresses I found one I had bought in a small chic boutique and never worn!! And it fitted perfectly (perhaps why I had never worn it before??). It is also amazing how glamours and sexy a spray tan can make you feel!!

My friends day was perfect and I loved getting up the following morning minus a muzzy head just sore feet from dancing!! I think I will offer to be the designated driver in future weddings and trusting my existing wardrobe much more in the future!!

The Bride and my chic friend and fellow mum to be oh and me:-

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